Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our mission is to help build a strong partnership between DCA staff and the parents of DCA. With this strong partnership leads to great success for our children. In order to help build this partnership we need your involvement. As a member of DCA you are automatically part of the PTO. How involved you want to be in the PTO is up to you. Studies have shown that parent involvement in their children's school helps lead to student success. We will offer many different ways to get involved and no matter how big or small the involvement may be, it all makes a difference.
Our primary goal as a PTO is to engage our school community (through on and off-campus events) and support our teachers and staff (through volunteerism and donations). We value everyone’s voice and want to hear from you how we can make DCA successful. We do not have annual dues, but we do raise funds throughout the year to support our goals. By raising funds, we are capable of doing more for the students of DCA and also helping the teachers with their needs. We also want to show our appreciation for our DCA staff for all they do for our children.
Please email us for any questions!